The Work-Therapy Balance: How to Manage Work and Outpatient Treatment

It is no secret that life is hard. Managing work and all the other tasks of daily life can be overwhelming for all of us from time to time. If we compound these challenges with substance abuse or mental health issues, the results can be devastating. To make the most of outpatient treatment, balancing therapy and work is vital for success. Below, we will give a brief overview of what outpatient therapy is and the benefits that can be experienced by balancing your work and outpatient treatment. Stressing the importance of balancing work and treatment, we will also provide ten useful tips on how to manage both.

The Basics of Outpatient Therapy and Its Advantages

If you are new to outpatient therapy and not sure what it is, read below to review the basics.

  • Outpatient therapy for addiction or mental health is a wonderful option for someone with mild to moderate issues, a stable living environment, and a strong support system.
  • Outpatient programs provide the opportunity to receive care, continue living at home, and keep employment along with other obligations.
  • There are different levels of outpatient therapy and treatment plans are personalized based on individual needs.

Many benefits of outpatient therapy make it unique and desirable.

  • Outpatient therapy is an option that provides flexibility allowing you to continue to work and perform all the other tasks of daily living.
  • Providing balance, outpatient therapy is scheduled around personal schedules preventing disruptions to other obligations.
  • Staying in your own environment has a double benefit. Staying in your own home also offers the opportunity to use coping tools and skills in real time.
  • Outpatient therapy is a very affordable option.

The Importance of the Balancing Act

When it comes to being in an outpatient program, the ability to balance and manage work and treatment is crucial for long-term success. There is not one person on the planet who does not benefit from a well-managed life. Without a balance of work and therapy, success can be hard to achieve. Here are a few of the benefits that can be experienced when managing work and outpatient treatment in a balanced way.

  • For continued progress, work and therapy must be balanced.
  • Keeping life and schedules balanced helps to manage stress.
  • The ability to continue working provides financial stability.
  • A well-managed life helps to promote high self-esteem and boost confidence.

Managing Work and Therapy: Useful Tips to Maintain Balance

After choosing the appropriate level of outpatient therapy, the real work begins. Managing work and therapy, staying motivated, and maintaining your recovery are all important for a well-balanced life. Here are ten tips that can be used to help you achieve the balance needed for a successful life in and out of recovery. 

1. Start by creating a weekly or bi-weekly schedule. Proper planning will help mentally prepare for what the next week has in store.

2. When creating your schedule, start by making a priority list. Use this list as a guide to balance your weekly schedule, making sure you schedule top priorities first. This can prevent you from overloading yourself and ensuring you take care of the most important things in your life before anything else.

3. If at all possible, communicate privately with your employer so they may have a better understanding of your circumstances. By communicating openly with your employer, they may be able to provide a more flexible work schedule to fit your therapy needs. 

4. Be prepared for life changes. Although it is important to plan, it is equally important to be somewhat flexible and not let to-be-expected surprises upset you. The beauty of outpatient treatment is making it work with your schedule. Communicate with your therapist when facing scheduling conflicts and let them help you find a better time that fits with your work schedule.  

5. Start breaking your old habits and creating new ones that fit into your work and therapy schedule. Look for new activities that are more easily incorporated into your life allowing you to maintain the balance you need for success. For example, if you like to exercise, find a gym or walking path located on your route to and from work and therapy. This will give you more time by reducing the time spent traveling.

6. If you find yourself with minimal time outside of therapy and work, you can utilize your work breaks to practice the tools you are learning at therapy. For example, you can practice meditation, breathing exercises, journaling, or reading. Being mindful of what you’re learning at therapy while at work will provide the opportunity to put the tools to use and also help you maintain balance in your life. 

7. Set clear boundaries for yourself when planning your schedule. Permit yourself to say “no” to things if they are going to disrupt the balance of work and therapy.

8. Start small and set realistic goals for therapy. If you are feeling stressed about working and attending therapy, start with several hours a week and increase as you get accustomed to your new routine.  

9. Make your health a priority. When choosing what to put on your calendar, always choose to participate in the activity that is going to promote a healthy lifestyle first.

10. Block out time in your schedule for personal time. While it is important to continue with employment and therapy, it is also important that you do not get burnt out. Doing too much for too long can create a situation where a person might stop therapy completely.

Embracing the Work-Therapy Balance for a Healthier Future

The importance of managing work and outpatient treatment cannot be overstated. To lead a meaningful, healthy, and happy life we must be able to follow through with our personal and professional obligations while taking care of our mental health. Participating in a flexible and comprehensive outpatient program can connect you with peers, helping to elevate your sense of accountability and reduce the risk of feeling alone. You can use the guide above to help you stay on the road to healing. If you are seeking outpatient treatment in Ogden, here at Diamond Recovery Center, we offer a variety of modalities and therapies to aid you in your healing, empowering you to take charge of your life. If you are looking for an outpatient treatment program that prioritizes holistic healing and long-term success, call today.
