The Connection Between Addiction and Mental Health Disorders

Are you tackling a drug or alcohol use addiction and despite your commitment to treatment and recovery, you still feel mentally overwhelmed, anxious, or fearful? Do you begin to wonder if you are suffering from other mental stress disorders that are making the addiction treatment difficult? You are not alone.   

The relationship between alcohol and drug addiction and mental health disorders is complex, multifaceted, and often requires professional treatment options. While not everyone with an alcohol or drug addiction develops a mental health disorder and vice versa, there is a significant overlap between the two.  

In this blog, we will provide an overview of the relationship, risk factors, signs, and potential solutions to help you navigate the relationship between addiction and mental health disorders. 

3 Relationship Factors of Addiction and Mental Health Disorders

1. Co-Occurring Disorders (Dual Diagnosis): Many people with addiction also experience mental health disorders and may not recognize that another underlying condition is impacting them. Common mental health disorders that frequently co-occur with addiction include depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

2. Self-Medication: Some individuals may use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate symptoms of an underlying mental health disorder and this often leads to alcohol or drug addiction as a co-occurring condition. Drugs and/or alcohol are used to cope with emotional pain, alleviate symptoms of anxiety or depression, or numb traumatic experiences. 

3. Biological and Environmental Factors: Research has shown that both addiction and mental health disorders can stem from a combination of genetic, environmental, and neurobiological factors. Shared genetic vulnerabilities and environmental stressors can increase the risk of developing both conditions.

Risk Factors for Co-Occurring Addiction and Mental Health Disorders

There are several risk factors that can lead to a greater incidence of co-occurring addiction and mental health disorders. Some risk factors may not be obvious, but they are factors that are used to guide a medical and treatment team in developing a drug or alcohol addiction treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs: 

  • Genetic Predisposition: If there is a family history of addiction or mental health disorders, it can increase your susceptibility to developing these conditions. This is not always known by individuals seeking treatment.  
  • Trauma and Stress: Experiencing traumatic events, such as abuse, neglect, or significant life stressors, can contribute to the development of both addiction and mental health disorders. 
  • Brain Chemistry: Imbalances in neurotransmitters and brain chemistry can predispose individuals to addiction and mental health disorders. 
  • Social and Environmental Factors: Factors such as peer influence, socioeconomic status, access to substances, and cultural norms are the most common factors to influence the likelihood of developing addiction and mental health disorders. They are sometimes difficult to readjust as they may be tied to professional, career, or family events.  

Signs of Co-Occurring Addiction and Mental Health Disorders:

The common signs of co-occurring addiction and mental health disorders are easily recognizable, but are often overlooked because they are common signs of other underlying issues. They include: 

  • Changes in Behavior: Sudden or noticeable changes in behavior, mood swings, irritability, and withdrawal from social activities.
  • Physical Symptoms: Unexplained changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, unexplained weight loss or gain, and deteriorating physical health.
  • Psychological Symptoms: Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, anxiety, paranoia, or hallucinations.
  • Relationship Problems: Difficulties maintaining relationships, increased conflict with family members or friends, and social isolation.

6 Solutions for Co-Occurring Addiction and Mental Health Disorders

1. Integrated Treatment: Seek treatment from professionals who specialize in addressing both addiction and mental health disorders simultaneously. Integrated treatment approaches, such as dual diagnosis programs, can provide comprehensive care that addresses both conditions concurrently. For a more intensive integrated treatment, you may also want to consider an inpatient treatment option that can address both addiction and mental health treatments together.  

2. Therapy and Counseling: Individual therapy, group therapy, or counseling sessions to address underlying emotional issues, develop coping skills, and learn healthier ways of managing stress and emotions offers support throughout your addiction and mental health disorder treatment. 

3. Support Groups: Participate in support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), or dual recovery groups. These groups provide peer support, encouragement, and accountability in maintaining sobriety and managing mental health challenges.

4. Lifestyle Changes: Adopt healthy lifestyle habits, including regular exercise, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, and stress-reduction techniques such as mindfulness or meditation.

5. Social Support: Focus on building a strong support network of family, friends, and loved ones who understand your challenges and provide encouragement and support throughout your recovery journey. If the people you engaged with prior to addiction treatment are not supportive and/or contributed to your addiction and mental health disorders, it is necessary to limit or remove them from your social support network.  

6. Continued Monitoring and Follow-Up: Attend regular follow-up appointments with healthcare providers, therapists, or support groups to monitor progress, address any relapse triggers or setbacks, and adjust treatment as needed.

In Conclusion, it’s important to remember that recovery from addiction and mental health disorders is a journey that requires commitment, patience, and ongoing support. Seeking professional help and accessing appropriate resources can significantly improve outcomes and enhance overall well-being. When it comes to alcohol and drug addiction help in Kaysville, Utah, Diamond Recovery Center is committed to providing the healing you deserve with our individualized therapeutic and results-driven addiction and mental health treatment options.
